benefits of having a life insurance
safe online social network for kids
My son has been playing with a free membership for the past few months. But in order to access a range of additional features, like ability to purchase virtual clothing and furnitures through the use of in-game currency, a paid membership is required.
club penguin
Club Penguin is an online game for kids where players use cartoon penguin avatars and play in a winter-set virtual world. The game was designed by New Horizon Interactive, company was purchased by Walt Disney in 2007, for kids 6 - 14 years of age.
The major focus on designing Club Penguin is child safety and the suitability of the game to children. Lane Merrifield, one of the developers stated, "the decision to build Club Penguin grew out of a desire to create a fun, virtual world that I and the site's other two founders would feel safe letting our own children visit".
Although free memberships are available, paid memberships allow players to access a range of additional features like ability to purchase virtual clothing, furniture, and in-game pets called "puffles" for their penguins through the use of in-game currency.
my sisters wedding
06 December 2011
1 comments Labels: clothes, fashion, fashionable you, online, online store, website, weddingHow to teach young child to be responsible
Your role as a parent doesn’t start and end with taking care of everything your child needs. You have the responsibility of teaching your child to be responsible as well. When is the best time to start teaching about responsibility? The sooner, the better. Gradually though, we don’t want to overwhelm them. Instead of being responsible, they might end up hating responsibility.
I started teaching my son to be responsible with his health when he was barely a year old. How? I never allowed him to eat processed food. Now that he’s 10 years old, he loves eating fruits and some vegetables. He knows the importance of eating the right kind and amount of food.
At 7 years old, I gave him the responsibility of throwing the trash after dinner, in the garbage chute. I turned over to him the responsibility of making sure that all books are arranged well in the bookshelf.
At 10 years old, I gave him the task of folding small items from the laundry, after I wash it, and putting everything in the right place in the closet.
The older he gets, I will add more chores for him to do. Hopefully, this will help prepare him for more heavier responsibilities after finishing school.
What about your kids? Do they already have small responsibilities in the house?
electric fan for people with allergies
cellular phone for kids
When I grow up
I’m relieved that he doesn’t want to be a farmer or an FX driver when he grows up. Not that there’s anything wrong with being a farmer, if he owns hectares and hectares of land, or managing a number of FX taxi’s. But just like any other parent, there’s nothing wrong with dreaming BIG for our kids.
Just the other day, he told me that he now wants to be an actor and a lawyer when he grows up. Take note of the AND - just in case the other doesn’t pay much? Actor? Hmm. Ok, I can imagine myself being a stage mother. But I hope he doesn’t become a liar when he becomes a lawyer.
Christmas Gifts for RJ’s Teachers
First out-of-country flight experience
16 November 2011
1 comments Labels: airline, airport, Cathay Pacific, international travel, leisure, travel, tv showMy son’s first ever trip out of the country happened last Sunday. Riding an airplane is not new to him, he’s been in a lot of domestic flights - his first one was when he was 4-months old. But an airplane for international flights, which is bigger and has more seats than the domestic plane that he’s used to, amazed him.
We took a Cathay Pacific flight bound for Hong Kong at 6:30 early morning of November 13. Yes, you got it right - we went to Hong Kong Disneyland.
He brought a new book with him, “Just in case I get bored during the 2-hour flight, Mama”, but he never read it during the flight because he was busy playing some games and watching cartoon shows on the audio and video entertainment available on board.
That’s my son’s first international flight. Will have more stories about our exciting first day.
Teaser: he got lost in Hong Kong Disneyland.
The best birthday gift
Cardinal Santos Medical Center’s WiFi service
Good thing I updated my iPod’s Pulse News application before leaving the house. The wait before our turn was a good 1 hour, but not worth it to pay 100 pesos for their wifi service.
When I grow up…
Ankle pain, growth spurts, stretching and exercise
27 October 2011
1 comments Labels: ankle, Cardinal Santos Medical Center, hospital, orthopedic surgeon, orthopedist, sprainRJ has been experiencing pain on his left ankle every time he walks. I noticed him limping since two Sundays ago. There was a 1-day break on his week-long quarterly test yesterday. Since he's done reviewing for the Thursday tests, I brought him for a check-up at Cardinal Santos Medical Center. Although there's no swelling and he says it's getting better, I still wanted a doctor's diagnosis.
I decided to bring his X-ray result from last year’s visit, the growth spurts diagnosis. When the doctor checked RJ’s ankle, he said that RJ must have probably twisted it. He prescribed a pain killer, if needed which I don’t have any plan of buying since RJ can even run and there’s no swelling, and a gel that should be applied every night. Cold compress also after applying the gel.
There was no need for an X-ray. Hopefully, the gel and cold compress will help heal the sprain faster. RJ needs to go back playing soccer.
cartoons on youtube
20 October 2011
1 comments Labels: Ben 10 Alien Force, cartoon show, faves, favorites, iPod, iPod Touch 4G, Phineas and Ferb, sh, SpongeBob Squarepants, television, video, youtube video
Scholastic book fair

My son, a proud Mama's boy

11 October 2011
3 comments Labels: grades, homeschool, report card, school, school activity, school reportstep-by-step guide to shaving
Prepare the following:
An exfoliating face wash
Shaving gel or cream
A sharp twin-blade razor
Face moisturizer with SPF 15 or higher
After shaving, rinse with cold water and pat dry. Apply moisturizer to soften the facial skin with enough SPF to protect the face from the harsh rays of the sun.
I am participating in a blogger campaign by Bucks2Blog about shaving tips and was compensated. All views and opinions are my own.
I keep encountering this word, Gesundheit, when I was researching about sneezing and allergy. What does it mean and what is the word’s significance to allergy and sneezing?
The german word is apparently used to wish good health in response to a person who has just sneezed. Based on Wikipedia, the expression might have stemmed from the Middle Ages when the Bubonic Plague was threatening European health.
Gesundheit is the more commonly used God bless you in English.
semestral break
allergy season again
It’s definitely here again. The dreaded allergy season. I have to live with constant worry that my son’s daily bouts of sneezing might turn into an asthma attack. Hopefully not.
I don’t want him depending too much on medicine but his sniffles and sneezing attacks won’t stop without the help of an antihistamine.
This reminds me, I have to look for a new allergologist. And a new allergologist means that RJ will be subjected to an allergen test again. His last one was 6 years ago anyway so there’s really a need for this test to determine if there's a new substance, or allergen, that he's allergic to.
I love the -Ber months but since it’s also synonymous with allergy, I don’t like it that much.
samoyed puppy
21 September 2011
1 comments Labels: Amy Chua, asthma, Battlehymn of the Tiger Mother, book, dog, pet, samoyedshould i give up?
I put a lot of effort in preparing healthy meals for RJ. I usually spend hours in the supermarket, choosing the ingredients that doesn't have much or any preservative, for the week's menu.
For a person who doesn't like to cook, yup that's me, I am becoming exasperated with his picky eating. One minute I'm jumping with joy because he likes what I cooked, then when I cook it again he says he doesn't like it because it's yuck! It doesn't matter if I cook it again a few days after, the second or third try is always yuck for him.
Should I just give up and give in to what he wants? Bacon, ham, eggs and other processed food every single meal everyday?
My new gadget
musically gifted
strict mama
I'm going to be very strict again. My being lenient, since June - the start of the school year, has made my son irresponsible. The trial period is over. As much as I don't want to be a very strict mom, I don't have a choice. My being a very understanding mom, seldom gets angry, has turned my son into something that we both don't want him to be.
He has tried my patience more than a dozen times. He doesn't copy his assigned homework and the schedule of quizzes. This has happened a lot of times, I talked to him calmly, explaining what it will do to his class ranking. Maybe because I was sooo understanding, he tried doing that a lot of times. Mama won't get mad anyway!
Today, I just had enough. I will not allow him to be an irresponsible child because I don't want him to be an irresponsible adult. From now on, when he does something wrong, I will make sure he understands the gravity of what he did and I will make sure that he doesn't do it again.
How to choose the right golf club

I am participating in a blogger campaign by Bucks2Blog and was compensated. However, the views and opinions are my own.
school report card

Hopefully he'll get higher grades next quarter.
school bus problem
bedtime drink
My son’s drink special for tonight is this…
… a mug of warm milo chocolate drink with marshmallows.
He’s been asking me to prepare this for a few days already. But we’ve been coming home late for the past few days and there’s no time for him to have this bedtime drink.
But tonight, finally, he was able to enjoy a big mug, he used my mug, of warm chocolate drink. He went to sleep with a smile on his face.
what’s for lunch?
01 September 2011
5 comments Labels: favorites, food, fried chicken, meme, school, school lunch, thursday, thursday browniesLinking to:
chubby ain’t cute
my baby is not a baby anymore
That’s my son RJ, when he was still in preschool and he still likes playing with his LeapPad. I miss hugging that little boy in the picture. Of course I love hugging the big RJ but I also miss the tiny little arms hugging me. I’m very lucky that he still loves to hug me. He’s now 10 and some kids his age are embarrassed to hug their parents in public. He also can’t sleep without hugging me, so sweet.
Hopefully he’ll still want to hug me even when he’s in college or has his own family already.
Stress-free day
How to “smoothly” review for exams
15 August 2011
3 comments Labels: dragon, drawing, Kids in Doodles, Pokemon, review, stress, stress-free, study time, studyingThis post is intended for mommies who, most often than not, loose their cool when helping their kids review for school exams. That happens especially when the child doesn’t want to review and is dilly-dallying instead of focusing on studying. That and cramming equals STRESS!
stress-free study time = mommy who doesn’t look like a dragon
I hate cramming, not just with studying for exams but anything that involves last-minute anything, because I don’t want to stress myself. When I’m stressed, I usually can’t breath well. Not a good feeling so as much as possible I avoid getting stressed.
So how do I help my son study without any stress at all? We start studying a week before the exams. That way, I also get to identify where he’s already good at and where he needs to allot more time reviewing.
Do you have some tips on how to help your child review for school exams with less stress?
RJ's sports activities
13 August 2011
5 comments Labels: basketball, competition, driving range, golf, soccer, soccer shoes, sport activities, sports, sports club, swim competition, swim training, swimmingSummer vacation in the province
The last family trip that we had was last summer break. We had a two-month vacation in the province. RJ was able to get to know and play with his cousins. I was able to have a stress-free life for two months, well almost-stress-free.
Life in the province is so simple. If there’s a school there that’s as good as the school’s here in the city, I would definitely prefer living there. But the education system, even the private school’s there, are not as advanced as the RJ’s school here in Manila.
How I miss life in the province.
Ghost Rider
I don’t have any idea who Ghost Rider is but I think my son’s drawing is really nice. I’m glad that he spent some time drawing yesterday, instead of playing with the PSP (he’s grounded from playing) or reading his K-Zone magazines.
I would love to see him draw some things pleasing to my eyes and not that scary, but this is good for now.
I will buy him more how to draw, or paint, books. I would rather spend lots of money on good books to hone his talents than spend on things that doesn’t even do him any good.
Do you have a green thumb?
He’s very patient with gardening. And now that he’s retired from work, he has more time to spare in adding more flowering plants and fruit bearing trees to his small farm in the city.