I guess I have to cook already since my son is already complaining that he’s tired, from sorting out his toys, and very hungry eventhough he has just eaten breakfast.
hungry mama
I guess I have to cook already since my son is already complaining that he’s tired, from sorting out his toys, and very hungry eventhough he has just eaten breakfast.
revamping the house
Here's what I've thought of so far. The rattan chairs definitely has to go. It's taking up a lot of living room space. A wall-mounted television should replace the bulky 7-year-old tv that we have. Some of RJ's toys needs to go as well, I just need to convince him that he's too old for some of those toys. He has this big plastic box full of toys and it's occupying a huge space in the bedroom.
Don't judge a book by its cover
I encourage my son to eat more fruits and vegetables. Every week, I stock on the usual apples, mangoes and bananas. Those are the fruits that my son eats. A few months back, yes this is actually a very late post, I decided to buy DOLE bananas because they look really fresh. The skin (banana peel) was also flawless.
When I got home, I decided to try one. I peeled the skin and took one big bite. Good thing I didn't swallow what I was chewing because when I looked at the remainder of the banana it looks brown in the middle. I checked all the bananas and discovered that everything was rotten. I paid more that what I usually pay for a bunch of bananas and everything just went straight to the trash can.
Easy-to-eat Breakfast
Organic Beauty Product
cleaning time
This hot, very humid monday morning is also cleaning time for my son. He likes to keep things that he doesn't need anymore. The clay that is so dusty already, the toys that he doesn't actually play anymore. Xeroxed copy of things that he "needs" but he actually has not touched it in months.
Everything is just lying here and there, gathering dust. So yes, he has to endure the summer heat and sort out his things.
one lucky nephew
16 April 2012
0 comments Labels: auntie nanny, game to play when bored, game with kids, i spy you guess, i-spy game, spy game
RJ as a Kiddie Crew at McDonalds
04 April 2012
0 comments Labels: how to join the McDonald's Kiddie Crew, kiddie crew experience, McDonald's Kiddie Crew, McDonald's Kiddie Crew 2012 ScheduleDo not waste your talents
Is it safe to go to the mall these days?
The Hunger Games: Not for Kids
Based on the book, The Hunger Games is definitely "for adults only". The violent nature of the story line, killing other human beings for survival, might be taken wrongly by a child's young mind. Unless the movie is not as violent as the book. But I doubt it, without those violence it won't be The Hunger Games.
"The Hunger Games movie is so cool!" That's the Facebook status of my son's friend. How was he able to watch it? My son and his friend are 10 years old by the way. I wonder why the mom allowed my son's friend to watch it. Someone told me that, based on reviews, the movie didn't give so much focus on the "game".
I want to watch the movie last week but because 1. I wasn't finished with the paperback yet and 2. The violent story line is not appropriate for my son to watch, I decided not to -yet. I'm now finished with the book but I'm not that enthusiastic with watching the movie. Sorry but I won't be joining the hype, I'm not a fan of The Hunger Games.