save for the rainy days

24 January 2010

What does the idiomatic expression "save for the rainy days" mean? It means putting aside something, usually in the form of savings and investment, to be used for future needs. The best way to save is to cut back on expenses and use the saved cash to invest into something profitable.

Here are some of the things I do to save and invest.

1. Bring a calculator during grocery shopping to be able to compare the prices of different food brands.
2. I cancelled my call waiting, caller ID, call forwarding and three-way calling on our landline.
3. I don't have credit cards anymore. First and last credit card usage was 10 years  ago.
4. Instead of hiring a driver to bring my son to and from school, I got the services of a school bus instead.
5. I also cancelled our cable subscription.
6. I only buy clothes, accessories, etc during the sale season.
7.  30% of my earnings online I goes directly to the bank.
8. Invest some earnings in mutual funds.
9. Opened up an online trading account.
10. Invest in small businesses that I can do at home.

My son already has his own savings account. He opened one using the Christmas monetary gifts that he got from family and friends two years ago.

What about you, what are your ways of "saving for the rainy days"?


D.L. Verzosa said...

yes, this is so true... we should spend our money wisely, especially this days!

nicquee said...

Ayex also have her own savings account already. The excess money we got from the wedding, the christening/birthday/christmas gifts are what we used to open her account.

On my end, I allot a portion for savings and "luho" every time my paycheck comes in. :)

Cens World said...

Thanks for the tips. I can actually pick a helpful tip here.

Just dropping by to say hello

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