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are you ready for halloween?
Just had a fun afternoon today at our condominium building. My son, together with a lot of other kids, went trick or treating.
During one of the games, the party host asked the boys and girls to make two separate lines. As you can see, my not-so-shy son is in front of the line. Yup, that IS his costume. Scary, I know. And there's another one who looks exactly like him near the back of the line! During the balloon twisting show, the little boy beside him got scared so I asked him to take off his mask.
The balloon twister was so good. She made a monkey climbing a banana tree. She also made Nemo complete with bubbles, weeds and swimming in water.
Because the twisting of the balloons are so complicated and takes a long time to make, not all the kids were able to have twisted balloons as a souveneir. Last year, all the kids went home happy because everyone gets to have his/her own balloon.
And my son was complaining that only two games were played. More time was alotted for the balloon twisting.
Oh well, at least the kids enjoyed guessing what she was making.
When will you be having a halloween party at your place? Hope you enjoy it as much as we had a good time today.
Happy Halloween everyone!
Mommy Moments #1
This is my first ever Mommy Moments. Just like any ordinary kid (read: only child), my son throw tantrums and it doesn't fail to surprise me that he does it anywhere, anytime. Now though that he is 8 years old already, it doesn't happen that often.
He was crying already and to make matters worse, my 11 year old cousin played with his hair making him more angry. Mama's hugs and kisses made him stop cying.
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tummy ache
RJ has a tummy ache since yesterday. When I picked him up in school, he was so weak because he vomitted twice already. We will visit his pediatrician this afternoon since her clinic is only open from 4pm-6pm on Thursdays. Didn't want to bring him in the emergency room because of not-so-good-experience before.
do you need a kitchen makeover?
If your answer is yes, then you're in for a treat. If you are a Canadian resident, all you have to do is join the $32,000 worth kitchen makeover contest of Maple Leaf Foods. PLUS, you could win 1 of 12 Frigidaire fridges stocked with new Maple Leaf Prime Premium frozen chicken! As a bonus, every entrant into this contest will be eligible for a $500 rebate offer from Frigidaire.
What are you waiting for? Enter your email every day until December 15, 2009 or risk losing your chance of winning.
After joining the contest, don't forget to check out the Maple Leaf Market and say hello to the Butcher, the Baker and the Pasta Maker. The Butcher will give you an expert advice about meat and food safety as well as shopping tips. The Baker's years of expertise enables her to give the website visitors new tips in the kitchen. The Pasta Maker gives entertaining ideas as well as answer frequently asked questions.
In the market, you will also meet "the Cook". She will help you plan and prepare a great meal in just a few minutes that the whole family will love! With just a few clicks, you can search for fresh recipes and customize a shopping list that will help you create a wholesome, healthy dinner without any sweat at all.
By the way, if you were to win the contest what would you do to your kitchen?
What are you waiting for? Enter your email every day until December 15, 2009 or risk losing your chance of winning.
After joining the contest, don't forget to check out the Maple Leaf Market and say hello to the Butcher, the Baker and the Pasta Maker. The Butcher will give you an expert advice about meat and food safety as well as shopping tips. The Baker's years of expertise enables her to give the website visitors new tips in the kitchen. The Pasta Maker gives entertaining ideas as well as answer frequently asked questions.
In the market, you will also meet "the Cook". She will help you plan and prepare a great meal in just a few minutes that the whole family will love! With just a few clicks, you can search for fresh recipes and customize a shopping list that will help you create a wholesome, healthy dinner without any sweat at all.
By the way, if you were to win the contest what would you do to your kitchen?
what's my blog rated?
Created by OnePlusYou - rate your blog also
It is good to know that human beings of all ages can read this blog. I started this blog to document the everyday activities of my son, so it is such a relief knowing that I did not put any words that will discourage young people from visiting this site. I have met a lot of wonderful mom's thru this blog and I hope to meet a lot more through the coming days.
don't forget to read my posts and do leave a comment everytime you visit (",)
advice on using Nintendo DSi, anyone?
My son has a new Nintendo DSi. This is the new version of the popular Nintendo DS portable gaming console. His is blue.
He does not have new games for this "new toy", he is using the game cartridges from his Nintendo DS lite.
He likes this better than the DS lite because of the new feature that was added. It has a 3-megapixel external camera and the internal one on the hinge has a 300,000-pixel resolution.
He is having so much fun changing the look of his photos.
He can only play on Sunday mornings though, that's what we agreed on before buying this gaming console.
Any other advise on how I can help my son not get addicted to playing Nintendo DSi all the time?
Check out Amy Africa's Qlog
Amy Africa's Qlog (pronounced "clog") is 99% Queries and Quintessentials and 1% Quibbling. Do check it out at http://www.amyafrica.com.
Right now, the QLOG is just a few months old. Amy's readers can expect about 2-3 posts a week about everything from analytics, conversion, creative, and email marketing,to navigation, SEO/SEM, shopping carts, and other topics of interest. There will also be guest posters on various topics so users can hear from other experts in the field.
Her latest post is about Tiffany and Co. Just like any of her posts, this post has tips on how this company can better improve itself. Some users agree on her tips and some do not. Why don't you join the conversation by checking it out at amyafrica.com.
You are also welcome to submit your internet marketing question, which will be answered by Amy and the audience on the QLOG itself. Amy Africa, is a member of a usability group that regularly reviews performance results from hundreds of companies. She keeps abreast of the latest trends in ecommerce, making her an invaluable Internet marketing resource. You will save thousands of dollars by getting her advice before you make any significant changes to your web site.
If you want to receive informative and definitely-sure-fire tips from Amy, don't forget to sign up for Amy's Newsletter or subscribe to her Qlog and these free tips will be delivered straight to your inbox.
Right now, the QLOG is just a few months old. Amy's readers can expect about 2-3 posts a week about everything from analytics, conversion, creative, and email marketing,to navigation, SEO/SEM, shopping carts, and other topics of interest. There will also be guest posters on various topics so users can hear from other experts in the field.
Her latest post is about Tiffany and Co. Just like any of her posts, this post has tips on how this company can better improve itself. Some users agree on her tips and some do not. Why don't you join the conversation by checking it out at amyafrica.com.
You are also welcome to submit your internet marketing question, which will be answered by Amy and the audience on the QLOG itself. Amy Africa, is a member of a usability group that regularly reviews performance results from hundreds of companies. She keeps abreast of the latest trends in ecommerce, making her an invaluable Internet marketing resource. You will save thousands of dollars by getting her advice before you make any significant changes to your web site.
If you want to receive informative and definitely-sure-fire tips from Amy, don't forget to sign up for Amy's Newsletter or subscribe to her Qlog and these free tips will be delivered straight to your inbox.
teach your child to pray
He attends a Chinese-Catholic school. Last year when he was in first grade, he was the only one in his class who knows the prayers mentioned above.
Now that he's in second grade, in his Christian Living Education class, they are asked to memorize the Mysteries of the Rosary.
Last night, he led the praying of the rosary in the house. I am so proud of him. I hope he continues to be a prayerful person. This, I believe, will make him grow into a good man.
teach your child to be responsible
I have mentioned on my other blog that we have a very messy bookshelf in our house right now. A few days ago, I asked my son to check if there are books in his collection that can already be given to his younger cousins.
This is one way of asking him to fix his side of the bookshelf because I got tired of always telling him to put his books in the bookshelf properly.
He is asthmatic so I asked him to wear a mask because the inner side of the bookshelf was a little dusty already. I guess that's where he put the books that he doesn't like to read anymore.
He did a great job of sorting his books. He was able to give a bag full of books to my sister's kids.
Now, he has free space in the bookshelf. He can buy more books that is appropriate for his age.
He now read "novels". That's what he call books without pictures.
I hope his side of the bookshelf looking organized won't just be for this week. Now, it's my turn to clean my side of the shelf.
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