my son doesn't want to study

29 June 2009

I have posted a few days ago that my son's classes were cancelled until the 6th of July. New lessons, homeworks and other study guides were posted on his school's website. The school thought that it will be helpful so that the students 10-day stay at home will be fruitful. But the teachers just dumped on us parents a week load of new lessons. They didn't even break it down into daily activities.

I tutored some kids a few years back. Teaching my son these past few days was very stressful for us both. His "delaying tactics" was too much for me already. When I call him to study, that's the time he has to go to the bathroom first or last 5 minutes of play time (which extends to almost an hour). Even the peeling of a banana became an excuse to delay his studying, "This banana is so hard to peel, I'll get my book when I'm done eating this banana Mama".

Patience, I need more patience for these coming days.


Random WAHM Thoughts said...

haha! your kid's got style. hey, i will follow your two blogs after this and will add them to my blogroll. sounds good? off to your other blog!

Golden said...

Haha! You're son is really funny.

Oh by the way, thanks for commenting on my site. I know what you mean. You're luckier than me. I really want to be a stay-at-home-mom but unfortunately, I can't afford not to work.

Seiko said...

Haha!!Your son really made your world up side & down.Gonna add you into my list,hope you wont mind.A huge thanks in advance:)

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