
10 January 2011

Do grandparents really tend to spoil their grandkids? Or is it just my parents, uncles and aunts who are spoiling my son?

We we're in Greenhills once and an action figure caught RJ's eyes. He began to ask me non-stop to buy it for him. His tears didn't make me buy the expensive toy at all. Then I saw him smiling and playing with the toy! Apparently, my aunt bought the toy for him! At one point, he accidentally dropped the toy's hat. He again ran back to the store where he bought the action figure and began asking me to buy another one. Kids are born with compass showing directions to toy stores, I swear!

My mom, aunt and RJ, all at the same time, were harassing me to buy the action figure.It may be funny now, not the part that I shelled-out a few hundreds, but it was really annoying at that time.

Grandparents! Why do they always have to say YES to their grandchildren?


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