canteen food, clean or not clean?

12 January 2010

I have been preparing my son's recess food since he started going to school. I seldom, actually once-in-a-blue-moon, let him bring to school biscuits. Junk food, not at all. I usually prepare sandwiches, fruits and milk. He started bringing lunch food last school year. Lately though I am getting tired (not to say very annoyed) of throwing his left-overs in the garbage. I keep lecturing him that it's a waste of money to throw nutritious food. In the house he eats it but in school he'd rather play than eat during lunchtime.

I was thinking of just letting him buy lunch food in the school canteen. To save me precious time (I don't have to wake up very early) and energy and to save my feelings from getting hurt (he says the food tastes yucky).

I'm having second thoughts though. I don't have any idea if the food is clean. Should I ask permission to visit the kitchen and check how they prepare the food? What if they purposely make my son's food dirty because I don't trust that they serve clean food. I've seen on television once, a pizza delivery boy spit on a customer's pizza because he thinks the customer asks a lot of questions.

What do you think? Should I let my son buy canteen food?


Anonymous said...

if it's in the school canteen, I think they serve pretty decent meal there and the school for sure wouldn't allow the canteen looking like it was not been visited by a broom and mop in years. It's the school's reputation on the line here so I don't think they will jeopardize that by making dirty food making school kids sick.

Unknown said...

Haha! :) That's so cute, making baon for your kid. I wanna have a kid too so I can do that and make nifty food decorations in his metal lunchbox. wee.
Why do you doubt your son's school canteen though? I'm sure it's clean naman :)

Phoebe R.

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