bad for mama's heart

14 September 2010

RJ's report card, for the first quarter grading period, was given last week. It wasn't a fun experience for me. The few days of anticipating, if he passed or failed, almost gave me a heart attack. The pressure was too much to bear. I tutor my son, except for his Chinese subject, so I feel like it's my fault if he fails. He is a very smart boy but sometimes he is careless in following instructions during tests.

I am happy, although not very, that he didn't have any failing mark. His grades we're good, but I was expecting to see better marks than what he got. I hope he'll ace his quizzes and quarterly tests next time.

I don't want to put a lot of pressure on him anymore. I want him to enjoy school. Learning doesn't necessarily mean getting a perfect grade anyway.

And the pressure is also bad for my health.


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